Crime Analyst Excel Add-in
About Course
The Crime Analyst Excel Add-in is a product that enhances Excel capabilities specifically for crime analysts. This add-in is easy to install and provides the user with advanced analytical tools. This provides additional functionality in areas such as text formatting, data cleaning for addresses and dates, and manipulating worksheets.
Specific functions include obtaining latitude and longitude from an address directly in Excel for easy mapping, convert an address to street hundred block for public record requests, separate date and time data to automate the data cleaning process, manipulate worksheet visibility for organization, and more!
Course Content
How to use the Crime Analyst Excel Add-in
How to use the Crime Analyst Excel Add-in
The instructional video accompanying the add-in is top-notch. It’s high quality and straightforward, clearly demonstrating the tool’s impressive capabilities. As a crime analyst working in a fast-paced city, every second counts, and this tool is a game-changer for efficiency.
A few of the standout features are the ability to seamlessly extract the month, day of the week, and time from your dataset, and convert complete addresses to the 100 block in a press of a button — this alone saves a tremendous amount of time. If you’re an analyst like me, always on the lookout for ways to improve efficiency and streamline your workflow, you need this add-in NOW!
This tool is specifically designed with crime analysts in mind, making it incredibly intuitive and practical. I can’t recommend it enough!